judgment n. 1.审判,裁判,判决。 2.由判决所确定的债务;确定债务的判决书。 3.鉴定,评价,判断。 4.判断力,见识;精明。 5.意见,看法;批评,指责。 6.公正,正义〔《圣经》中用语〕。 7.〔J-〕【宗教】上帝的最后审判(日)(=the Last J- 或 J- Day)。 8.天罚,报应。 a judgment against the plaintiff 裁定原告败诉的判决。 a judgment for the plaintiff 裁定原告胜诉的判决。 a judgment of acquittal 无罪的宣判。 a judgment of conviction 有罪的宣判。 sit in judgment on a case 审判一件案子。 a judgment creditor 判决确定的债权人。 a judgment debt 判决确定的债务。 an error of judgment 判断错误。 form a judgment upon facts 根据事实作出判断。 a man of sound judgment判断力健全的人。 a man without judgment无判断力的人。 disturb the judgment令人迷惑。 exercise [use] one's judgment运用判断力。 show good judgment判断力强。 in my personal judgment根据我个人的见解。 on one's own judgment按照自己的意见,独断。 private judgment一己之见〔特指宗教上不同传统的见解〕。 It is a judgment on you for getting up late. 这是你睡懒觉的报应。 Daniel come to judgment. 好一个丹尼尔,好公正的清官〔现在一般用作讽刺语〕。 give [pass, render] judgment (up) on sb. 对某人下判决,定案。 judgment by default 【法律】缺席判决。 to the best of one's judgment根据本人认识所及。
Article 197 all judgments and orders of second instance and all judgments and orders of the supreme people ' s court are final 第一百九十七条第二审的判决、裁定和最高人民法院的判决、裁定,都是终审的判决、裁定。
A people ' s tribunal is a component part of the basic people ' s court , and its judgments and orders are judgments and orders of the basic people ' s courts 人民法庭是基层人民法院的组成部分,它的判决和裁定就是基层人民法院的判决和裁定。
When the violator does not respond to civil judgments and orders . two trends are leading to a greater need for criminal enforcement . that were globalization and internet 如果违法者不理睬法庭裁决及法庭命令的时候就无法充分有效地进行民事执法。全球化和互联网这两个趋势越来越多地需要刑事执法干预。
People ' s court shall write clearly on the judgment and order the legal aid institutions which make the appointment , the lawyer who undertake the case and the executive institution where he belongs 二十、人民法院应当在判决书、裁定书中写明做出指派的法律援助机构、承办案件律师及其所在的执业机构。